Sunday, August 25, 2013

Goong Chapter 144

So the only thing that Shin can do while his father is in trouble is keeping Chae Gyeong here with him so that she cant go back to Seoul. Moreover seize the chance while he can. What in the world is his father thinking at a times like this. But whatever the reason is if his father commands him, he will follow his orders.

Inside her room Chae Gyeong is thinking that it will be her last day today and there will never be a chance for them to be together. She shouldnt betray him from behind. She cant cover this last chance with a lie. SHe stand up and goes to where Shin is. When she opened her door she sees Shin standing outside ready to go to her too.

Shin: make me something to eat
im hungry

We go back to Daebi and a man's memory

Daebi: is your father in jail

Man: crown princess

Daebi: i heard from the townspeople that your father went to prison instead of the man he worked for
i'll see what i can do
my relatives on my fathers side are in the legislature field
your father's case i'll ask them to find a way to solve it

Man: but why would

Daebi: the chair you fixed
was the most comfortable chair in the world

Then we go back the man in the present as he cut some wires in the house.
While the royal couple is bickering in the kitchen suddenly the air becomes romantic around them. The almost kissed but Chae Gyeong cuts it off.

CG: well the truth is

Shin: i know
do you think i'm an idiot
don't i know you
you are so easy to read
that cowardly and scared child
to remain beside me and endure everything bravely
do you think that i would have wanted that
although i understand everything
i just wanted to try to get you back
that's why i proposed to you knowing that it wouldn't work
knowing that it's all in vain
like a fool

CG: it's wednesday flight
sorry to tell you now

Shin: you dont need to be sorry
since you wouldnt be able to leave this place
dont get me wrong
i was just going to let you go
if thats your last decision
then i thought i had to respect you
but this is my father's decision
i think he ordered not just me but everyone in this place
for some time we have to confined here

Next Scene
Yul is out in the river reminiscing
Once he cross that river he can never go back.He is losing Chae Gyeong from his side. The one he sacrificed all of his to obtain he finally lose. But now that he thinks about it she were not a thing he can lose in the first place. Since he never owned her. Once this thing gets started he will have no excuse to hold her back. And he will never get to see her again. He is hesitating for that reason but he cant forgive her either. Hiding like this as if she is flaunting it several days before they leave together. As if she want to show him whom she really want. Then he shall too, show her what would be the consequence of her decision. What are the things that she ruined. How frightening he can be.

The next morning
Chae Gyeong packs her bag and Shin is annoyed. Chae Gyeong had asked almost everyone outside to give her a ride but the people there had refuse since it's the king's order. The she tried calling a cab through her mobile phone but Shin gets it. But Chae Gyeong blurted out that she has to go because she promised Yul. And she storms out leaving Shin calling out to her.

Next Scene
Chae Gyeong's brother is recalling what Hyo Rin told her about the consequences of Chae Gyeong's disappearance. Saying that Chae Gyeong will ruin the royal palace. That how can he as her brother let Chae Gyeong regret for the rest of her life the consequences of her mistake.

Next Scene

Shin keeps following Chae Gyeong on the road.

CG: go away

Shin: i actually want to see you hitch hiking
who will be the lucky one to answer to the former crown princess call for help
it will be interesting

A car came and Chae Gyeong signals for it to stop but the car didn't stop and just passes her. Five cars has passed and still no one came to let Chae Gyeong ride. Shin felt sick to the stomach just by laughing at her. Then Chae Gyeong lift up her skirt facing the road.

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A bus has stopped to Chae Gyeong's delight only to find out that it only stopped because everyone who's on the bus is getting down. Shin quickly carried Chae Gyeong to hide.

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Chae Gyeong feels the closeness between them. Shin's minty breath that touches her forehead numbing her sense to succumb herself to lust. The scent of his hair, ears, breath. Every droplet of his sweat seems to smell like the oriental citrus mocha java.

Shin: hey tighten your nose
you look ugly

Then a boy came and sees them.

Boy: teacher there are some homeless people in here

Hearing the child said,hurt Shin's fashion sense and image so Shin stands trembling with anger.

CG: hey calm down
he is just a child

Shin: did you call me a homeless person
how dare you
you insignificant dork

The child's whole class and their two teachers heard what Shin said. Chae Gyeong remembers the two teachers were the same person whom they meet in Chudo Island were a group of scorned women tried to bury them alive as a joke.

The two teachers confessed that they found out who they are when they saw them on tv about their divorce.

Lady: a divorce i mean
we couldn't even imagine since you two seemed happy
we were so surprised

The ladies were so thankful to Chae Gyeong opening the place for public since they can now have a field trip there. Chae Gyeong couldn't remember signing it maybe her secretary did sign it for her since she is always asleep. Shin had asked about the other scorned ladies and the lady tearfully said that some of them finally gets married.

CG: by the way teachers
can you do me a favor
can you please take me to Seoul on your way back

Shin: what do you mean

CG: i'm going with them on their way home

Shin: ha ha ha
she is so nervous so she is blabbering

CG: let me go
i said i'm leaving

Chae Gyeong dared Shin to catch her and the two played catch me if you can theme, which annoyed the old maids.

Next Scene
Miru's father is going to Yul's party but Miru opposes it.

Miru: i want to dream a bigger dream than just being the queen

Miru's dad: what do you mean by that
being a queen of this country is the highest honor for a woman
how can you refuse such an offer

Miru: i want to become a wife of a man who actually possesses the power than to become a symbolic figure

Miru's dad: what
you mean you have found a new husband

Miru: i never thought of marrying another man even for a second
i just want to marry a man who actually has the power to move the world
you know that they are going to pass an act that would allow the royal family members to work in the congress starting next year
as it seems
it will go smoothly
then it isn't totally impossible for Yul to become a prime minister
it wouldn't be easy for him to recover from his fall right away
but think about it
if a royal family member who is abandoned by his family becomes a politician
he can get support from both sides
those who support the royal family and those who oppose them
and with his looks he can easily win hearts
if he fails this time
he will be greatly disappointed
but he cant get rid of his aspiration for power
he will do anything to get a hold of power

Miru's dad: then what should we do
when Yul is about to revolt against the king
march straight to the palace and help the king
there must be something that only you can handle

Next Scene
Chae Gyeong is in her room, in the end Shin had overpowered her from getting on the bus. She went to see Shin in his room but Shin went to the library. This is her only chance. Chae Gyeong went to the terrace and is planning to jump. She could get caught by the guards at the main entrance but she should try.

Shin: hey what are you doing it's dangerous

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Shin pulls Chae Gyeong towards him.

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Shin: can't you just live as you want
you were like that originally
you didn't care about later stuff
but why are you trying to take responsibility for this incident

CG: yes i wasn't like this
i was a careless and irresponsible child
but i was changed because
i was married to you
you might not know
about what i had heard and what i had to go through
before i married you
people were saying
that the marriage was incompatible
and i wasn't good enough for the crown prince
surely i'll bring disaster to the palace
do you even know how scared i have been
because of people whispering
and writing notes on that
do you even know how i shuddered in fear
when i pretended to smile
as if everything was cool with me
but in the end
it really happened like they said
because of me
everything is a mess

Shin embraces Chae Gyeong and

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CG: yes
maybe just for a day
it's okay to go back to the old me
impetuous honest toward my lust
and careless of aftermaths
it might be okay just for a day

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