Friday, August 2, 2013

Goong Chapter 129

King: The one who threatened the queen
who caused the divorce between the Crown Prince and Princess
is you

Chae Gyeong is on the other side of the door hearing what those two are talking

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King: ive always been fond of you
how could you do this to me

Yul: if you were truly fond of me
really cared about me
then you wouldn't be able to kick me out of the royal family so easily
you would give the throne to me
even if you didn't completely trust me
if you are afraid of my possessing too much power
you could train me and help me rule
according to your wishes
you could have had the decency
not to force my mother and me
to go ans suffer in a far off place
if you had actually cared
then even if i didn't take the throne at the age of twenty
as grandfather had decreed
i would have kept on living a happy life
i would not hate you all so much
i would have looked up to you as a father
and treated Shin like a brother
i wouldn't have had to betray
and hurt the people i love
i could live my life in peace

King: i think everything needs to start over
i can let Shin and Princess go on like this
you know how much they have suffered because of us
Thankfully Shin and Hyorin's engagement has not been made public
i am reinstating Princess identity and status

Yul: if you really choose to do so
i will not sit here and do nothing
if the two of them really reconciliate
i will take out my last weapon
and reclaim my position on the throne

King: what

Yul: haven't you heard of the mouse biting the cat

King: now
let's go our separate ways

With that the King left Yul's room. Yul feels shaken with their argument.
Then a tearful Chae Gyeong faces him. Chae Gyeong could not keep her emotions and slap Yul real hard.

CG: how could you heartlessly stand by and watch me suffer like this
do you know how much pain i suffered for the the past year
the one who threatened the royal family and split my marriage apart
was you
are you happy now
is this amusing
you are cruel
lying to me
toying my emotions
all the while trying to ruin my life
is it funny to see me like this
are you having fun

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CG: why did you do this
tell me why
what did Shin and i ever do to you to deserve this kind of pain

Then Miroo interrupted them

Miroo: what happened
Chae Gyeong are you ok

CG: let me go

Miroo: c'mon let's go
Yul is still sick

CG: did we do something wrong
why are you treating us with such cruelty
tell me the reason

Miroo: come down outside and calm down for a bit ok

Miroo walks Chae gyeong through the door and Chae Gyeong takes one look back at Yul

CG: to me
street trash is preferable over you
from now on don't use your filthy mouth to call me
or use your soul less expression to look at me
i never want to see you again
because seeing you makes me want to vomit

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