Friday, August 2, 2013

Goong Chapter 130

The King confronts the Queen and Shin

King: why did you hide what was going on between you and Yul
if you already knew about Yul's ulterior motive
you should have reported to me right away
why did you keep silent

Shin: though the queen thought it was the republicans handiwork
she felt things were suspicious
so she investigated
without hard facts
she could not confirm her suspicions or say anything

King: ha
my own nephew
i cant believe this contemptible act
was not an act by an outside but
in fact
was undertaken by a member of royal family itself
im sorry
this is all my fault
for causing you so much pain

Shin: the person you should apologize to is not me
it should be princess
this whole event makes me look like the victim
having lost my wife but in fact
princess has been severely criticized
by the media for supposedly wanting a divorce because she could
not handle the harsh life and strict laws of the royal family
Chae Gyeong for wanting to protect the royal family's secrets
willingly took all the blame
since both of you now really know the story
you should help us return to our life before

Queen: Shin
you mean you want her back to the royal family
if Yul found out
don't you think he would want revenge
are you willing to sacrifice the royal family for your own happiness
is she really that important
are you willing to throw your family into danger
even your parents for her sake
you cannot do this as prince
it is your duty to protect the royal family

Shin: if that is the case
then i am willing to give up my position as the crown prince

King: are you crazy
how can you say such a thing

Shin: if the royal family can become this uneasy when the crown prince says something crazy
and because of a mysterious source of danger
can force the crown prince to give up his love
then i
don't want to be the crown prince anymore
father and mother

Next Scene

Daebi: what
where did you say you were going

Yul: i told you already
i am going to study abroad

Daebi: nonsense
at a time like this
you want to study abroad
dont you know that i have been driven to Changquing palace
and forced to live here forever
and yet you want to go abroad
for you to be king
i've given up my position in society and lost my freedom
have i sacrificed everything for you to abandon me now

Yul: mom i
feel as if i want to die
i dont want to live anymore
(thinking of how Chae Gyeong look at him and the words she said to him makes him think of not living his life)

Daebi: Yul

Yul: it makes it hard for me to breathe
i have never
never been in so much pain
i really dont know what i should do mom

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Next Scene

Hyorin: are you free today Shin
if you are
can you come with me to visit my mom at the hospital
she wont believe you proposed to me
so if we go to her now

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Hyorin: Shin what's wrong
are you not feeling well
why arent you sleeping on the bed
dont sleep here
Shin why are you drinking
where did you get this
what if someone sees you with it

Shin: dont be so uptight
im going to be a college student soon anyway
just getting a little practice sice i'll be drinking
everyday in college

Hyorin: stop
get up and wash your face
wake uo and sober up
you reek of alcohol
its intolerable
what if the queen catches you
hurry up

Hyorin tries to grab Shin and makes him to stand up but Shin is unwilling and instead grabs her hand

Shin: sorry Hyorin
i know how much youve been through
i also know that im very selfish

Hyorin: let me go
i dont want to talk to you

Shin: but going on like this is bad for both of us
while we still have the chance

Hyorin: let me go
let me go

Let's end it here

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Next Scene

CG mom: youve been living here just fine
why do you suddenly want to move out

CG: because i have found a small place close by
even though its not as big
ive made up my mind to go there

CG mom: the royal family provided this large house fro you to live in
and yet you want to move to that small cramped place

CG: mom
im sick of everything
i dont want to think about it
i want nothing to do with any of them
even though living there is the same
even thought it still owned by the royal family

CG mom: of course
im happy about living closer to my daughter
just live where you want to live
earlier as the crown prince wife
you couldn't shop in the markets or roam the streets
but now you can have more freedom

CG: yes mom

At night time Chae Gyeong takes a walk outside her residence

It's been a year already and before she leaves tomorrow she wants to remember every corner of this place, the backyard, the floor boards, the doors, even the walls, she needs to remember everything.

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