Kaname: i can smell blood
Kaname rushed outside like a wind.
Next Scene
Zero: Yuuki
Kaname: Yuuki
Yuuki: Kaname
Kaname: so you've finally fallen to the bloodlust of beasts
Zero Kiriyuu
you're a disgrace to all vampires
Yuuki thinks that seeing her bitten by Zero, Kaname might kill Zero

But Yuuki is so weak and slides

Zero: Yuuki
Kaname: your thirst must have been insatiable
to have drained her to the point where she can't even stand
Kaname carried Yuuki
Kaname: Yuuki's blood
was it really that delicious
Yuuki: Zero
Kaname why
why is Zero
Kaname: chairman
Chairman: yes i know
Next Scene
Yuuki: Kaname it's okay so I'll be fine if I sit down for a while
Kaname: let me see
Kaname takes a look at Yuuki's bitemarks on her neck
Kaname: the blood had almost stopped
But it's still a deep wound
he really bit you viciously
Yuuki does it hurt
are you afraid of vampires now
Yuuki just shakes her head. And tears falls from her eyes. She does not know. Her head is still spinning but she knows one thing for certain. Zero attacked her.
Chairman: Kaname could you go back to the classroom for a while
the night class is getting restless with the scent of blood in the air
Kaname: okay
The chairman puts a band aid to Yuuki's bite.
Chairman: i took Zero back to his dorm room
he's calmed down a bit now
we've hidden it from you for so long
you have every right to be shocked
especially since it turned out like this
i'm sorry Yuuki
Yuuki: how could i have known that Zero was a vampire
for the last 4 years
Chairman: i know it's because Zero was human
up until 4 years ago
four years ago the Kiriyuu family was attacked by vampires
Zero barely survived
when I found him he still had the signs of a deep bite mark on his neck
Yuuki: then
he used to be a human but now he's a vampire?
it's because he was bitten?
Chairman: Yuuki
you dont believe in the legend that human bitten by vampires turn into ones
themselves do you
but it's true
vampires that can turn humans into one of themselves
only a few exist
the pureblood vampires
but you dont have to worry Yuuki
Zero isn't one of the pureblood vampires
so you wont turn into a vampire
Yuuki didn't know anything. That 4 years ago Zero has been afraid and alone.What kind of life he had led.Zero who hates vampires so much he would kill all of them if he could. All of them even himself.
Zero has been absent from class after the attack. He is in the room holding his gun. A gun that will not kill a human only vampires. Zero is thinking about ending his life. When Yuuki found him and saves him.

Yuuki: what the hell are you doing
Zero: nothing
Yuuki: liar
you took off the gun's safety catch
Zero: why did you come here
Zero reverse up and pins Yuuki to the bed. He tears the bandage on Yuuki's bite mark.
Zero: can't you hear it
the sound i made when i sucked at your blood
while that sound is running through my ears
you'll never be safe around me
so be careful
And with that Zero left Yuuki in the room
Yuuki stands up and sees a picture of her and Zero. Seeing the picture Yuuki remembers that she had always had been with Zero and follow him outside.
Yuuki: wait
where are you going
stop right there
if you don't stop
i'll shoot
But Yuuki is still dizzy from the blood loss
Zero: You'll just make your shoulder hurt more that it already does
let go Yuuki
Zero tries to take the gun from Yuuki but she keeps it firm.
Yuuki: i wont let you go
not without saying a word
Zero: i couldn't stop myself from biting you
the next time that i attack someone
i might really kill them

Zero: shoot me
you're afraid of me aren't you
hold the gun steady with both hands and aim at my heart
it's no crime to kill a vampire
But Yuuki just can't do it. Because she knows now just how much pain Zero is feeling. Instead Yuuki drops the gun and hug Zero's back.
Yuuki: i didn't know anything then but we've been together for four years now
so i'm not afraid of you
and even if it does happen again i won't let you do it
i'll stop you
Yuuki decide to be Zero's guardian.
Kaname enters Zero's room and sees the picture of Zero and Yuuki. Kaname cuts Zero's head from the picture.
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